M.T.A. agency - Photostudio M.T.A.

A studio worth traveling for in the Czech Republic. Introductory price from 350 CZK an hour, ideal for all-day photo shoots or for multi-day projects with a good offer of special discounts. Large backgrounds, ten-meter distances - high ceiling ...

Summer price from 350 CZK per hour, comfortable and big Three hours by train from Prague. Advantage of price and comfort of the city. Demonstration using fresnel lights. To order, use the booking form or e-mail or phone +420602557611

Modeling agency Photomodels.cz cooperates with photo studios and locations in Prague. We provide service for photographers and photo models at various locations. Outside of Prague, you can work with a smaller budget and at the same time in high quality.

- 11.07.24
- For photo models: Participation in the project www.photomodels.cz is selective. Besides the criteria of visual interest for photographers, we can only cooperate with those interested in guaranteeing reliability and interest in applying in photomodelling. Interested party: fill in the registration form for the models (click the link on the left). We invite you to a personal meeting at the MTA photo studio, which is right in the center of Prague.--------------------------------------------------------- Pro fotomodelky : zařazení do nabídky www.photomodels.cz pro placené bookingy fotografů a pro nadcházející workshopy - stačí vyplnit orientační formulář - ozveme se, případně pozveme do fotostudia k fototestu. Vyplnění formuláře není závazné.
- 18.03.23
- For photographers: We left the location of the photo studio in Prague - in Revoluční street. We are preparing a new meeting place for models and photographers in Prague. The service of the modeling agency and the service for photographers with interesting possibilities remains in Prague. The novelty is a much larger photo studio in Ostrava. It is one of the best equipped photo studios and with a very good rental price... , it is worth traveling here, and other prices in the city with many other locations are often half of those in Prague. If you really want to create, this is an exclusive option. You can get to the photo studio in Ostrava by train from the center of Prague in three hours and a few minutes. ---------------------------------- Pro fotografy: Opustili jsme fotostudio v Praze - v Revoluční ulici. Nové místo setkávání modelek a fotografů v Praze připravujeme. Servis modelingové agentury a servis pro fotografy se zajímavými možnostmi v Praze zůstává. Novinkou je mnohem větší fotostudio v Ostravě. Jde o jedno z nejlépe vybavených fotostudií a s velmi dobrou cenou pronájmu, Vyplatí se sem cestovat .